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Monday, June 18, 2007

EBay Moves to Recharge Its Auctions

From the NY Times today:

EBay Moves to Recharge Its Auctions

EBay is also testing new ways to deliver search results. Instead of heading each list of results with items whose auctions are about to expire, the company will in the coming months give users the option of seeing search results headed by items the company predicts will be most appealing to buyers — a measure determined in part by how well sellers have been rated by other buyers on eBay.

This should be very interesting! I have almost 5,000 feedback, 100% rating (lavender-haze). Hopefully I will not be lost among the bigger sellers with 5 digit feedback and higher. For those just starting out or with low feedback that is not stellar, this could be very bad. I think the potential is there for scammers to try even harder to steal some hard-working sellers ID info.

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