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Sunday, February 11, 2007

Productive at last, new Ebay listings done

Well after a week or so of not being very productive on Ebay, with my efforts focused on the blogosphere instead, I kicked it up a notch yesterday and got focused. Happy to say, I have a bunch of listings up for this next week. It's very strange, it seems to take me forever to actually start listing. That's my biggest hurdle. Once I actually start, I can whip them out in no time!

Today I have some packaging and shipping to do, 11 items in all. I also need to look at what I have listed on Wagglepop and consider moving some items back over to Ebay, and I have some stuff that didn't sell on Ebay, that I want to move over there. So those are my plans for today. If I get all caught up with those items today, tomorrow I will tackled the bookeeping before I get too behind.

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